Consider: each time a Trading psychology tailspin occurs AND you go out of control – the quicker the next spiral is going to occur, and the faster you will go out of control when it happens. This is going to continue, until trading becomes too painful, and you will not be willing to trade any longer. Consider: it is better to work through the emotions instead of quitting. Quitting is too easy, and this provides no solution or aid in preventing this from coming back and intensifying each time you have a rough period. Also, you have lost the ability to ‘count’ on yourself when you need to do so the most. To control a Trading psychology tailspin, before you go out of control, is a tremendous win in and of itself. Do this, and get your trading back on track, and you will have made gains the value of which you can’t imagine, as you will know that you may have losing periods BUT you can trust yourself to remain in control, and not magnify the damage. In light of this, take what you believe to be your key trading issues, write them on an index card, and stick them on to your monitor. The objective is realization and awareness, thus making these issues available to your conscious as a reminder, instead of only available to your subconscious as a problem. As you make your notes BE SURE that you are writing short non-judgmental notes – DON’T let the ‘solution’ make the ‘problem’ worse! For instance, consider the combination of a build of emotions coming from consecutive losses which are also occurring during congestion – write notes similar to these on your card:
a build up in emotion may come from a series of quick consecutive losses
- quick consecutive losses often come from trading inside of congestion
- are your losses ‘base’ congestion method trades OR are you overtrading
- there is nothing wrong with ‘base’ method trade loses
- your trading results are fine when you ‘base’ method trade
- don’t be a stupid idiot and overtrade congestion like you always do
- you are going to lose your ass and end up with another losing day like usual
- you do this same crap every day and the same thing happens
- you have no reason to even trade if this is all that you are going to do